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Unsupported Features


Features that are not in the restrictions are supported by HybridCLR, please don't ask if HybridCLR supports a certain feature.

  • Temporarily does not support defining extern functions in hot update scripts, but you can call extern functions in AOT.
  • Fully supports the dots technology of 2022, but cannot take advantage of burst acceleration. If the burst part is in the AOT, it is still executed natively; if the burst part is in the hot update part, although the jobs are executed concurrently, they are executed in an interpreted manner.
  • Functions that serialize structures such as Marshal.StructureToPtr in System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal are not supported, but ordinary Marshal functions such as Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi can work normally.
  • [RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod(] is not supported. It's purely a matter of timing. Unity collects these functions very early, before the hot update dll is loaded. A recommended way is that you use reflection to collect these functions and call them actively at the right time.
  • Does not support C# level debugging of the interpreted code part, because there is no time to write a debugger
  • RequireComponent(typeof(AAA)) requires that AAA must have been instantiated or AddComponent in other resources, otherwise Unity will not recognize AAA as a script and ignore the processing.